To relax the upper part of the face, you can use the botulinum toxin, which allows to achieve a natural softening of the wrinkles of the forehead (the thinker wrinkles and horizontal lines). The products used are of high quality, supported by scientific studies and proven results.
The sagging of the gaze area and volume loss and fat are often associated with the aging process of the face of a man. To restore volume and give back a youth and dynamic appearance to the face, can be used fillers to correct lines or static wrinkles and reduce dark circles, in order to have a more relaxed and cool appearance. Skin hydration around the eyes and face (PRP: platelet rich plasma) allows the skin to regain tone, firmness and radiance without surgery, preserving a natural look.

Eyebrow Lifting: is the cosmetic surgery procedure that allows to raise the outer part of the eyebrow and stretch the skin at the level of the temples as well as the eyelid skin. The shape and the right eyebrow position play an essential role not only in the aesthetics of the eyelids, but for entire face.
Blepharoplasty: certain men seems to be constantly tired due to heavy and sagging upper eyelids. Blepharoplasty makes it possible to find a youth and fresh look, without changing the shape of the eye. Each operations is customized for every single patient.
Bags under the eyes: it consists of excess of fat under the eyes that weighs down the look and make the face more old. Thanks to surgery (lower blepharoplasty), the patient finds a fresh look, younger and more restored appearance. The lower conjunctival blepharoplasty leaves no visible external scar. The surgery involves the removal of the excess fat present in the lower eyelid (commonly called ‘bags under the eyes’) through an incision in the conjunctiva, inside the eyelid. This technique ensures a complete removal of fat through a completely invisible scar hidden in the inside part of the eyelid.
Lipofilling Microlipofilling: the first symptom of an aging face is the progressive loss of volumes (fat deflation under the eyelid skin). Lipofilling consists in removing fat from a donor area (suction of adipose tissue from the patient’s abdomen, inner thigh or hip), extract the stem cells and adipose cells through the technique of centrifugation or filtration, and re- injection in the areas that presents a sunken appearance (usually it comes to some areas around the eyelids and mid-face). Recovering the volumes at strategic points of the face and in the area of the eyes, creates a natural rejuvenation effect!
Mini facelift or neck lifting: is the most effective intervention for the treatment of excess sagging skin and subcutaneous tissues of the face and neck. The operation makes it possible to obtain an overall rejuvenation of the face without distorting the facial features and respecting the proportions.
These treatments can be combined with aesthetic treatments to further optimize the result.
The oculoplastic surgeon or oculofacial is a surgeon who after completing his specialization in ophthalmology, has faced a selective course of ‘Advanced Specialisation’ in plastic surgery, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, the area of the eye and face. As a specialist of the eye area, the oculoplastic surgeon remains a figure of reference in the harmonization of the gaze and face.
In today’s world we live in an ultra competitive environment, consisting of physical and psychological pressure. Feel good physically and emotionally makes most confident man ready to face the external elements with greater concentration.
There are different types of medical and surgical techniques, all customized, to restore youth to man.
The treatments choice is always determined with the patient with the advice of Oculoplastic, respecting the physical features of the individual