Resolution of complications after eyelid surgery

Resolution of complications after eyelid surgery



Surgery Time

  • Short
  • Medium
  • Long


Recovery Time

  • Short
  • Medium
  • Long


Rehabilitation Time

  • Short
  • Medium
  • Long



Eyelid surgery results in an aesthetic improvement and a better functioning of the eyelid, by removing or remodelling the skin, the muscle tissue and the fat tissue in excess.
This will be personalised for each patient. In a small percentage of patients, the procedure may be associated with postoperative complications; some are transient and resolve without need for further action (post-surgical hematoma, post-surgical ptosis), while others require surgical correction.
These complications are often due to an initial overcorrection of the defect, resulting in dissatisfaction with the look and functioning of the eyes.


Oculoplastic surgeons are eye doctors who are specialised in eyelid and facial plastic surgery.
During the consultation, the oculoplastic surgeon will examine the eyelids and face of the patient, the functionality of the eye in relation to the position of the eyelids, as well as any other aesthetic problems.

Each patient will be advised and recommended the most appropriate and new techniques, according to the latest guidelines of the international professional associations



Post-surgical complications that require the intervention of an experienced oculoplastic surgeon may be the following:

Upper Blepharoplasty

  • Excessive removal of skin tissue, which leads to incomplete eyelid closure. The aesthetic result is unnatural, and is associated with major disorders such as dry eyes,a feeling of sand in the eyes, a burning sensation and abrasion of the ocular surface.
  • Excessive removal of adipose tissue, with emphasis on the upper eyelid fold, which gives the eyes a sunken and tired look.
  • Lesion of the elevator muscle of the eyelid, resulting in ptosis (sagging) eyelid resulting in important functional and aesthetic consequences.

Lower Blepharoplasty

  • Excessive removal of skin tissue, resulting in lowering of the lower lid margin and abnormal exposure of the sclera (the white part of the eye), known as scleral show.
  • This results in serious functional and aesthetic consequences: excessive visibility of the white part of the eye gives the eye a round appearance (“round eye” “fish eye”) which is extremely unnatural and ugly. The lubrication of the eye by the tears is compromised, resulting in dry eyes, severe discomfort, and finally abrasion of the surface.
  • Sometimes excessive surgery can alter the shape of the eye, resulting in a lowering of the outer edge of the eye to the inner race: with an eye downward and a “sad” look.
  • The removal of tissue may be enough to cause a subversion of the outer margin (ectropion) which is both aesthetically unacceptable and functionally disabling.
  • Excessive removal of fat tissue, resulting in the appearance of dark circles and a sunken, tired and aged appearance to the eye.


  • Plant too abundant fat system that determines a swelling eyelid “type bags ” with consequent alteration of the shape of the eye.
  • Plant too superficial fat resulting aesthetic unevenness of the skin surface.


The operation will be personalised in order to preserve a natural look, to reflect the patient’s personality and the individuality of his/her image, as well as to respect the needs expressed to the surgeon during the pre-surgical interview

Surgical options will be thoroughly considered in order to resolve the unsatisfactory outcome of surgery, depending on each individual case.

Each patient will be guided to and advised on the most suitable and latest surgical treatments, based on the most updated guidelines of the international surgical associations


The correction of the defect will be highly personalised for each patient.
The scars are almost invisible, because the incisions are made in the natural lines of the face. The corrective procedures will create a more natural look and be as close as possible to the initial expectations of the patient.

The symptoms related to post-operative defects will be significantly attenuated, with improved lubrication of the ocular surface and a better blink dynamic.

On this page you can browse the photo gallery of my other cases: Before/After Resolution After Complication From Eyelid Surgery Photos


More informations about Dr. Carlo Graziani

Continuous international surgical training, completed between the universities of Turin and Padua, Moorfields Eye Hospital – University College of London and Medizinische Universität of Vienna.

His field of activity includes pediatric and adult eyelid surgery, tear, orbital surgery and aesthetic surgery of the gaze and face practiced with minimally invasive and innovative techniques.

Dr. Graziani is also an International Member of: General Medical Council, Londra; European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ESOPRS); also National member of: Società Italiana Chirurgia Oftalmo Plastica (SICOP), Società Italiana Medicina Estetica (SIME)

More information about Carlo GrazianiLinkedIn profile

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