Energy and vitality

Energy and vitality

All the “power” of IV Therapy in combination with Oxygen-Ozone therapy to improve one’s life, as well as the quality of sleep.

It is a program that includes:

  • a preliminary medical evaluation of the patient’s lifestyle
  • a follow up that includes periodic consultancy.

This therapy involves the execution of IV Therapy treatments that can be combined with Systemic Oxygen-Ozone Therapy lasting at least 6 weeks every two weeks. For maintenance it will be necessary to carry out sessions once a month.

This will allow the patient to obtain an improvement in psycho-physical performance as well as in sleep quality.


More informations about Dr. Carlo Graziani

Continuous international surgical training, completed between the universities of Turin and Padua, Moorfields Eye Hospital – University College of London and Medizinische Universität of Vienna.

His field of activity includes pediatric and adult eyelid surgery, tear, orbital surgery and aesthetic surgery of the gaze and face practiced with minimally invasive and innovative techniques.

Dr. Graziani is also an International Member of: General Medical Council, Londra; European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ESOPRS); also National member of: Società Italiana Chirurgia Oftalmo Plastica (SICOP), Società Italiana Medicina Estetica (SIME)

More information about Carlo GrazianiLinkedIn profile

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