IV THERAPY – Intravenous therapy in aesthetic medicine

IV THERAPY – Intravenous therapy in aesthetic medicine

IV Therapy (intravenous therapy) consists of the introduction of vitamins and minerals intravenously. It is a natural cure to support the immune system.


Aesthetic medicine, especially in recent years, is expanding its horizons by making use of the knowledge of regenerative medicine.

The rhythms of today’s life require us to be constantly at our best: we must be dynamic, efficient and precise without ever being stressed or tired. For this reason, most people who require beauty treatment not only need to feel “more beautiful” or rejuvenated, but are also looking for a 360 ° state of well-being. 

To achieve this there are two possible therapies; IV Therapy and Oxygen – Ozone Systemic Therapy. These treatments are highly requested, as they give an immediate result to the patient and radically improve both the quality aspect and the functional recovery after aesthetic treatment. But their beneficial actions are truly manifold.


IV Therapy (intravenous therapy) has been used by many influencers and stars all over the world and has been taking root in our country for a few years now. It consists of the intravenous introduction of vitamins and minerals.These substances are injected directly into the bloodstream, obtaining an almost immediate increase in the state of well-being.

The solution injected is not the same for everyone, it depends on what the goal is to be achieved (anti-aging prevention, decrease of stress, a detox action or management of overweight); therefore we are talking about a customized treatment, designed for each individual patient.

It is a natural cure to support immune defenses, this allows our body to better fight the pathogens of the various annual seasons, such as bacteria or viruses.

It is definitely a therapy that has a solid base in the world of regenerative medicine, as it contrasts effectively, depending on the mixture used:

  • Acute seizures: such as migraine or asthma
  • Chronic seizures: like sinusitis.

Not only that, it is also an excellent ally to improve the level of body hydration, to reduce stress, anxiety, hormonal changes and improve both mental and physical performance.


Oxygen – Ozone therapy is based on the use of Oxygen and Ozone mixed together and injected intravenously (systemically).

This particular molecule is a form of more concentrated oxygen (O3) which, combined with the oxygen we normally breathe (O2), has proved to be of fundamental importance in anti-aging medicine, as it allows to obtain important benefits such as the reduction of radicals free in our organism.

It can be used in many diseases, since there are different routes of administration (local and general) and different concentrations of oxygen and ozone. The various medical fields that apply this cure range from internal medicine, aesthetic medicine, dermatology and many others.

A further action is to improve in patients, in the case of aesthetic medicine and in plastic surgery, the reconstructive capacity of tissues and their oxygenation, or the quality of the final result of the treatments themselves.

We can define it a “background therapy” ideally integrated in advanced aesthetic medicine clinics


If you want to tackle an anti aging prevention program – a program to improve psycho-physical performance, or to manage an overweight state, why not combine the two therapies?

If IV Therapy gives our organism an all-round biological enhancement and Ozone – Therapy significantly reduces free radicals and oxygenates the tissues, you can imagine the benefits that we could derive from it.

However, it is essential to rely on a specialist who, during the visit, performs a patient consultation and assesses all the parameters necessary to be able to proceed with one or both therapies.

Sometimes it may also be necessary to have a diagnostic screening aimed only at ensuring maximum performance in total safety.

The combined programs that we offer to our patients are:

  • Anti-aging prevention
  • Energy and vitality
  • Detox

More informations about Dr. Carlo Graziani

Continuous international surgical training, completed between the universities of Turin and Padua, Moorfields Eye Hospital – University College of London and Medizinische Universität of Vienna.

His field of activity includes pediatric and adult eyelid surgery, tear, orbital surgery and aesthetic surgery of the gaze and face practiced with minimally invasive and innovative techniques.

Dr. Graziani is also an International Member of: General Medical Council, Londra; European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ESOPRS); also National member of: Società Italiana Chirurgia Oftalmo Plastica (SICOP), Società Italiana Medicina Estetica (SIME)

More information about Carlo GrazianiLinkedIn profile

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