Before and after

The filler is the best solution to counteract the first signs of aging.
However, complications after hyaluronic acid injections can be resolved with hyaluronidase.


23 January 2024

After previous hyaluronic acid fillers treatments elsewhere, Rachele had noticeable edema that left her eyelids and face looking swollen and unnatural.

Thanks to Hyaluronidase, her gaze and face have regained a natural appearance.

Results may vary from patient to patient
Rachele is an actual patient of Dr. Graziani
The photos are used with the consent of the patient and copyrighted. Please do not reproduce.


23 January 2024

Is one session of hyaluronidase always enough?
It depends on the severity of your old fillers. Your clinical history and anatomy will guide the decision between a new filler, lipofilling, or eyelid lift.
Each case is unique and requires a personalized approach.

Results may vary from patient to patient
Rachele is an actual patient of Dr. Graziani
The photos are used with the consent of the patient and copyrighted. Please do not reproduce.

Edema Post complicanze da filler acido ialuronico ialuronidasi

26 July 2023

Frequent use of hyaluronic acid fillers in the periocular area has been shown to increase the risk of complications after 6, 12 months or even 1 and a half years post.

This is why I prefer fat. In the video I will reveal the reasons that lead me to adopt the lipofilling approach to harmonize the transition area between the lower eyelid and the middle face.

Prima dopo complicanza filler
Prima dopo complicanza filler

5 June 2023

Hyperpigmentation is a common problem associated with chronic inflammation caused by a filler complication.

Sara turned to me after seeing prolonged swelling and darkening of the periocular area following a dark circles filler treatment performed elsewhere. Thanks to hyaluronidase it was possible to resolve the unnatural swelling.

For the resolution of hyperpigmentation I recommend an additional treatment based on nano lipofilling.

Results may vary from patient to patient
Sara is an actual patient of Dr. Graziani
The photos are used with the consent of the patient and copyrighted. Please do not reproduce.


20 April 2023

Giorgio wanted to improve his dark circles with a hyaluronic acid filler

He performed multiple injections elsewhere but was not satisfied

The patient had a clear complication from hyaluronic acid fillers that could be solved with some sessions of hyaluronidase

Results may vary from patient to patient
Giorgio is an actual patient of Dr. Graziani
The photos are used with the consent of the patient and copyrighted. Please do not reproduce.


4 November 2022

Here is a detail of the complication from upper and lower eyelid fillers (following repeated treatments with hyaluronic acid performed elsewhere) solved thanks to a personalized protocol with hyaluronidase.

The upper eyelid of the right eye was so swollen that the eye was more closed (eyelid ptosis) and the lower eyelids were both excessively swollen causing the normal harmony of the gaze and face to be lost.

Precisely for these reasons, every aesthetic treatment must be preceded by an in-depth specialist visit, which determines the patient’s suitability to undergo a hyaluronic acid-based filler.


21 October 2022

The management of complications from hyaluronic acid-based fillers is represented by Hyaluronidase, antidote to hyaluronic acid.

Anna had marked swelling in the upper eyelid, caused by repeated hyaluronic acid fillers over a short period of time.

Thanks to the personalized treatment with hyaluronidase, it was possible to reopen and rebalance the eyes by removing that unnatural and tired aspect, while respecting Anna’s natural features.

Results may vary from patient to patient
Anna is an actual patient of Dr. Graziani
                                                                                                                  The photos are used with the consent of the patient and copyrighted. Please do not reproduce.


29 July 2022

For an oculoplastic surgeon, the overview is essential. Sometimes correcting inhestetism in the eye region is not enough to meet the needs of my patients.

Lidia, for example, came to me with a significant filler complication of her lower eyelids, which I corrected with hyaluronidase .

To harmonize her face, I performed a filler of the lateral orbit and of the middle face, together with a lip filler to redefine and hydrate them.



Surgery Time

  • Short
  • Medium
  • Long


Rehabilitation Time

  • Short
  • Medium
  • Long



14 April 2022

The most important complication of hyaluronic acid in the gaze region is the appearance of chronic swelling or edema in the lower eyelids.

The management of complications from hyaluronic acid-based fillers is represented by hyaluronidase, an antidote to hyaluronic acid.

Thanks to the personalized treatment with hyaluronidase, Laura can reopen and rebalance the eyes, removing that unnatural and tired look.

Results may vary from patient to patient
Laura is an actual patient of Dr. Graziani
The photos are used with the consent of the patient and copyrighted. Please do not reproduce.



Surgery Time

  • Short
  • Medium
  • Long


Recovery Time

  • Short
  • Medium
  • Long


Rehabilitation Time

  • Short
  • Medium
  • Long


complication from filler
complication from filler
the signs of a filler complication
Complication form fillers
Complicanza stasi linfatica

5 March 2022

Here is a typical complication from fillers, swelling (edema) of the lower eyelid.

By pinching the lower eyelid of the right eye, this appears unnaturally more swollen and “full”, like a eyelidbag.

My task is to propose the most suitable rehabilitation path through a surgical solution or a specific aesthetic treatment.

In this case, ialuronidase is the best solution to this important imperfection.

Before- After complication from filler
Before- After complication from filler
Complication from filler
Complication from filler- Hyaluronidase resolution

3 March 2022

Alessia had significant edema, with consequent swelling, on both lower eyelids.
This caused her great discomfort as it did not reflect or enhance the natural features of her face.

The solution for these complications is often represented by the hyaluronidase antidote to hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronidase is a valid, safe and effective treatment;
but it must be evaluated and administered by expert hands, also because not all filler complications can be solved with this rehabilitation process.

Results may vary from patient to patient
Alessia is an actual patient of Dr. Graziani
The photos are used with the consent of the patient and copyrighted. Please do not reproduce.

Before-after trattamento Ialuronidasi
Before-after trattamento Ialuronidasi

26 January 2022

Annalisa had been suffering from swollen eyelids for years without understanding the reason why. After a careful oculoplastic specialist visit we explained to her that the swelling was due to complications from hyaluronic acid-based fillers.
These imperfections can be solved quickly and safely using hyaluronidase. Hyaluronidase is an effective remedy right from the start, but it must be performed by expert hands after careful tissue analysis.

Results may vary from patient to patient
Annalisa is an actual patient of Dr. Graziani
The photos are used with the consent of the patient and copyrighted. Please do not reproduce.